2 Weeks To Go! New Perk Level Opened!

We’ve officially reached the half-way point! With the writing process well under way, I’ve started working on the Beta Sector map that will be included with the digital perks. Yesterday I created the 2 meter x 2 meter template that will be used for the final image:


As a treat, I’ve opened a new perk level: “World Creator“. With this level, not only will you receive a hardcover copy of Master of the Void and all of the perks and stretch goals achieved delivered on special USB drive, but you get to name 2 planets that appear on the map! You can also provide as much information about those worlds to me as you like (general climate, length of day, species, etc.) and I’ll try my best to use it all. And those planets are guaranteed to appear in a Beta Sector novel. Spots are very limited, so claim your worlds today!

You can see the latest update by visiting the Kickstarter campaign here!

New Kickstarter 65% Funded


All hands,

In less than 12 hours we’ve crossed the half-way point and are well on our way to being fully funded! The response from everyone has been astounding. While we still have a long month ahead of us, I wanted to send out a big “thanks” to all of those who made the first half-day go better than any of my previous campaigns.

Continue sharing this project with your friends and family we’ll be fully funded and on our way to our first major stretch goal before you know it.

Stephen Fender

All Set to Launch

Great news! The new campaign has been approved by the Kickstarter staff, and we’re all set to launch! We’ll be officially launching on Friday the 10th of June at 7:00am Pacific time (10am Eastern, 3pm London). I’ll post a link to the Kickstarter as soon as we’re live.